What is the Effectiveness of EMI Shielding?

EMI shielding

EMI shielding solutions are essential components for many electronic devices we use daily. EMI is a problem that threatens all electronics, from medical devices to personal equipment. Electromagnetic interference is an inescapable issue for electrical engineers. EMI exists in the world due to natural causes, like sun flairs, but the main issues result from the overwhelming amount of equipment used worldwide. EMI negatively impacts a wide range of functions that can render devices useless.

EMI Harms:

  • Power lines
  • Computer circuits
  • Cellular devices and networks
  • Ignition systems
  • Microwave devices

Millions of devices worldwide need to safely receive and send electromagnetic signals without the fear of interruption. Several solutions exist, but engineers often lean towards EMI shielding. EMI shielding is a principal part of device design.

How effective is EMI shielding?

EMI shielding is effective enough to protect sensitive devices, but it is essential to know each shield’s effectiveness. Engineers test the effectiveness of an EMI shield through a process called attenuation, which in simple terms, is the measurement of the strength of an interfering signal at two specific points. This test must be done before and after the device has been shielded. Measurements are expressed in dB. When talking about the intensity of the signal being measured, it is referred to as amplitude.

When the measured effectiveness is less than it should be, alterations need to be made. Our team helps to create the highest quality EMI shielding that is effective and reliable.

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