When is EMI Shielding Necessary

Do you need EMI or RFI shielding? The last thing a person needs is their electronic equipment to malfunction. If a tablet or music player stops working, it is annoying, but if a defibrillator or ventilator malfunctions, then people can die. EMI and RFI shielding are some of the best tools available for engineers and manufacturers to combat the adverse effects of RFI and EMI. An EMI-RFI shielded enclosure plays a vital role for medical care providers.

EMI RFI Shielding

All electronic devices that do not have adequate shielding are prone to experience problems. The electromagnetic wave would interfere with smartphones and other communication systems if devices were not secured with shielding.

There are no industries that do not experience issues with electromagnetic interference. If you are designing electronic equipment, and you want to make sure that RFI and EMI do not affect your devices or surrounding equipment, you need to incorporate EMI shielding into your design.

We use shielding materials to protect our equipment but shielding also prevents electronics from leaking RFI and EMI into their surrounding environments. Because of the way electronic systems work, they generate some of their own EMI. Shielding prevents EMI from escaping and negatively effecting surrounding electronics.

EMI RFI Shielding

No two electronic systems are the same, and so some electronics require a strong layer of protection. Designers need to choose high-quality enclosures that offer reliable protection when significant security is needed.

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