Which Type of Metal is Best for EMI Shielding Applications?

EMI shielding needs to be highly versatile for specific applications, devices, and environments to combat the ever-growing presence of EMI. Without the customization ability of EMI, many of the modern electronics we use daily would not exist or could not function properly. With this in mind, what is the best material to use for shielding applications?

EMI Shielding

EMI shieldingIt is impossible to say that one material is remarkably better than another because different types of metal have different properties and characteristics. Material selection should be dependent upon the device and application. Making choices haphazardlY often results in issues later down the line. The first step to proper material choice is truly understanding what you need. Below, we will highlight several of the most commonly used metals for EMI shielding. Make sure to reach out to professionals to go over your options.

Aluminum is used because it offers excellent strength to weight ratios while also being highly conductive. This material also has its downsides, including corrosion and high oxidation properties.

Copper is a costly material when compared to other metals. The extra cost offer is the highest reliability of all metals because it is ideal for reducing electrical waves and magnetic fields. EMI shielding contains copper from medical devices to home computers.

Pre-Tin plated steel is affordable and works well in lower frequencies. It can also be used to protect steel from rusting and corrosion. Pre tin is used throughout the kHz range and into the lower GHz range.       

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