Is it Important to Protect Against Electromagnetic Interference?

EMI is a serious problem that can affect any electronic device. From cell phones to life-saving medical equipment, electromagnetic interference can range from annoying to life-threatening. One of the main tools engineers use to protect electronics is EMI shielding. EMI shielding functions as a shield that protects signals from disruption by external sources. EMI shielding also prevents signals from exiting devices and harming other devices they surround.

EMI shielding is important because EMI indiscriminately disrupts electronic equipment and devices. Engineers need to create designs that naturally reduce EMI, but unfortunately, it is impossible in certain circumstances to do that. EMI shielding creates complete protection against EMI.

Considering that electromagnetic interference comes from natural and human-made sources, it is an issue that is almost always present. All devices, big and small, need to focus on protection against EMI or run the risk of malfunctioning. In certain cases, issues can mean a temporary disturbance and data loss, but the system can experience failure and break in extreme situations.

Medical Equipment needs always to remain protected from EMI because, in a hospital setting, there is added danger of EMI failure. Important equipment includes:

  1. X-ray machines for therapeutics and diagnostics
  2. Electronic surgical equipment
  3. Patient assistance and telemetry equipment
  4. Life support equipment (infusion pumps & ventilators)

If left unchecked, EMI affects all electronic devices. To prevent this problem, engineers often use EMI shielding.

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